About us

SI «Republican scientific medical library» (RSML) is the center of information and bibliographic service for scientists and health care specialists in Belarus.

RSML serves as national and republican depository of documents on medicine and health care, branch centre of international and inter-library loan system, and national health and medical literature depository.

SI «Republican scientific medical library» is the scientific-methodical and coordination centre for medical libraries of Belarus.

The activities of the library aimed at the formation and storage of information resources, satisfying library-bibliographic requirements of health professionals, information support and assistance in the researches and development in medical science.

The collection of RSML is a national property. It consists of more than one million national and foreign documents. Every year our library receives about 11.000 editions on medicine and health care. We have a unique collection of rare books on medicine. Among them there are old editions by Hippocrates, Avicenna and literature of the 19th-20th centuries. We also keep the unique personal libraries of Belarusian scientists: D.A. Markaw, U.V. Gulkievich, N.N. Aliaksandraw and others.

The service for our users is conducted through the system of reading-rooms and lending library. We also have the inter-lending library, electronic delivery system and virtual inquiry service for our distant users.

The library gives access to the home and international information resources to users including the means of telecommunications.

SI «RSML» is concerned with development, creation, implementation and usage of proper, field and inter-industry data bases as well as software and lingware. ДУ РНМБ займаецца распрацоўкай, стварэннем, укараненнем уласных і выкарыстаннем галіновых і міжгаліновых баз даных, праграмнага і лінгвістычнага забеспячэння.

The library takes on a role of the documental centre of European regional office of World Health Organization on the territory of Belarus. What is more, our library takes part in the International Consortium of medical libraries on corporate analytical writing of periodicals. The library is a member of Non-commercial partnership on rendering assistance to medical libraries. RSML collaborates with the libraries of different countries and international organizations – National medical library of the USA, the library of Medical center of Massachusetts University, International club «Rotary International», International charitable society «Sofia», pharmaceutical company «Novo Nordisk» A/S (Denmark).