Patent information search

Information and patent search

Search of patents and other scientific sources of information on medicine and health care is regulated by the national standard (СТБ 1180-99) «Patent research. Content and procedure.» It is conducted in the following databases:

Electronic catalog of RSML.
It is a bibliographic database on medicine, health care and related areas. It is an electronic version of the RSML catalog. One can search by key words, author, title, source, year or place of publication. The catalog contains bibliographic information on books, abstracts of dissertations, dissertations, journals, articles.

Russian medicine.
It is a bibliographic database, the analog of the electronic catalog of the State Central Scientific Medical Library of Russia. It contains information on books, abstracts of dissertations, dissertations, journals, articles, translations and so on.

Electronic library of dissertations of RSL.
(room 315)
Russian State Library provides an access to full text dissertations and abstracts in electronic format, which is a unique opportunity for many readers to get interesting information. Catalog of Electronic library of dissertations of RSL is in a free access for any Internet user. From 2007 ED of RSL is being renewed by all amounts of dissertations including works in medicine and pharmacy.

Federal electronic medical library.
It was created on the base of the Central Scientific medical library of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. Federal electronic medical library is a part of the State information system in the area of health care. It includes both electronic analogs of printed publications and independent original electronic publications.

Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU.
It is the largest Russian information portal in the area of science, technology, medicine and education, which contains abstracts and full texts of more than 18 million of scientific articles and publications. It gives access to electronic versions of more than 3200 Russian scientific journals, including 2000 open access journals.

«Research and development» database.
(room 315)
«Collection of abstracts of research and development works» contains information on the performed researches, dissertations, reports and other during the years 2000-2006, 2008, 2009-2013.

Journal of abstracts «Medicine».
(room 315)

It is a database of the Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information, which reflects almost all directions of research in the area of experimental and clinical medicine. The database includes abstracts and bibliographic descriptions of the article from domestic and foreign journals, books, catalogs, patents, scientific works and dissertations.

PubMed Central (Medline)
It is an electronic archive of the National Center of Information of the National Medical Library of the US. It gives access to articles from journals on medicine and biology.

Databases of industrial property objects (National Center of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Belarus).
It gives official information on applications, registered objects of industrial property, protective documents, and the changes in State Registries of industrial property objects.

Database «Russian patent documents»
It contains open registries of Russian inventions and applications for inventions, abstracts and full texts of Russian patent documents. One can use temporary username (guest) and password (guest) to use the database.

«Espacenet» database.
It contents patents (or patent applications) of more than 50 national and international patent offices, including full texts of the US, Russia, France, Japan patents.

Database of the US Patent Office.
It contains full text database of patent documents from 1790 to present time; the database of applications from March 15, 2001; the database of the national classification system.